The Inaugural International Conference on Distributed Event-Based
Systems (DEBS) is following on the success of the previous five editions
of the DEBS workshops held from 2002 to 2006 in companion with major
conferences such as ICDCS, ICSE, and SIGMOD/PODS. The conference is
organized in cooperation with USENIX, the IEEE and the IEEE Computer Society,
The objectives of the DEBS Conference are to provide a forum dedicated
to the dissemination of original research, the discussion of practical
insights, and the reporting on relevant experience relating to
event-based computing that was previously scattered across several
scientific and professional communities. The conference also aims at
providing a forum for academia and industry to exchange ideas, for
example, through industry papers and demo papers.
Please use the DEBS'07 Collaborate Wiki to participate in the discussion around issues in event-based systems (registration is needed to prevent spammers from misusing the wiki):
Check Flickr for photos from DEBS'07 (tagged with "DEBS07").
The conference proceedings will be published as part of the ACM
International Proceedings Series and will be disseminated through the
ACM Digital Library. In order to achieve broad attendance, the DEBS
organizers will strive to keep conference registration rates
affordable. In particular, student participation will be strongly
encouraged through special rates.
The DEBS organizers are seeking the support from commercial sources for
the event. If you are interested in becoming a DEBS sponsor, please look
at our sponsorship kit.
The venue will be the Bahen Center for
Information Technology, University of Toronto, 40 St. George Street (map),
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G4.
Latest news
September 17, 2007:
The website of DEBS'08 is online. See you 2008 in Rome!
June 27, 2007:
The missing keynote slides of K. Mani Chandy (Caltech), Opher Etzion (IBM Research Haifa), and Joe Sventek (University of Glasgow) are available from the program page.
June 25, 2007:
The slides of the keynote talks of Tim Bass (SilkRoad, Inc.) and Gregor Hohpe (Google, Inc.) are available from the program page.
June 22, 2007:
Some photos from DEBS'07 are available on Flickr tagged with "DEBS07". Participants are welcome to add more.
June 18, 2007:
The conference proceedings are available from the ACM Digital Library. In addition, you can now download the BibTeX file for DEBS'07.
There is a page to add general comments, topics, and ideas that come to mind about DEBS. There is also a page for comments concerning individual presentations. Please feel free to add any comment! These pages are part of the DEBS Collaboration Wiki started for the pre-DEBS workshop.
June 13, 2007:
Late registration is possible until Tuesday, June 19th.
June 12, 2007:
The DEBS '07 program brochure is now available containing the detailed program and further information about the city of Toronto.
Older news...