Final Version
1. Copyright Form
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2. Formatting
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Please also apply the ACM Computing Classification categories and terms. The
templates provide space for this indexing. The Classification Scheme is available at:
3. Copyright Statement
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Permission to make digital or
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or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to
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DEBS '07, June 20-22, 2007 Toronto, Ontario, Canada<NEWLINE>
Copyright 2007 ACM 978-1-59593-665-3/07/03... $5.00
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4. Submission
For the submission of the final version, please create one ZIP- or
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Send the archive until May 28, 2007 attached to an e-mail to:
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Please name the paper title in the subject line of the e-mail.
Paper Submission
All papers should be submitted via the EasyChair conference
submission system. You will first have to create an account with the
system. The submission website can be found here:
Please ensure your paper fits the double blind review process:
- No author names and addresses!
- No recognizable self-references!
Due to numerous requests the organizing committee has decided to extend the
paper submission deadline to March 18th (11:59 p.m. PST). Authors are
required to submit an abstract for their paper by March 14th.
Papers must represent original and unpublished work that is not
currently under review. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three
independent referees. Papers will be evaluated according to their
significance, originality, technical content, style, clarity, and
relevance to the conference. At least one author of each accepted paper
is expected to attend the conference.
The conference adopts a double blind review process, where
neither authors nor reviewers know each others' identities. The
author(s) name(s) and address(es) must not appear in the body of the
paper, and self-references should be in the third person. This is to
facilitate a double-blind review process.
Three types of paper submissions will be accepted: research papers,
industry papers, and demo papers. Submitted papers should clearly
indicate their type. Papers must not exceed the given number of pages
for the respective paper type:
- Research Papers: (max. 12 pages)
A research paper describes new results that advance the state-of-the-art in
basic or applied research. Short papers (max. 6 pages) presenting
work-in-progress are also welcome.
- Industry Papers: (max. 8 pages)
An industry paper describes the design, the experience (in building,
deploying and running), or the performance of an industry system. Commonly,
the majority of authors on the paper are from industry. Product marketing
material will not be accepted as papers.
- Demo Papers: (max. 4 pages)
A demo paper reports on an existing research prototype by clearly
identifying the original contributions and ideas demonstrated. The authors
are expected to prepare a poster and perform a live software demonstration
on their own laptop during an exhibit-style conference reception. Any
special requirements should be identified in the appendix of the
Submissions must be in the ACM format for conference
proceedings. Templates can be found at the following URL:
Authors using the LaTeX2e templates should also ensure that they
use only Type 1 fonts. See the ACM FAQ:
Please apply the ACM Computing Classification categories and
terms. The ACM Computing Classification scheme can be found at the
following URL:
Accepted papers will be published by ACM. The conference proceedings
will be published as part of the ACM International Proceedings Series
and will be disseminated through the ACM Digital Library. Authors of
accepted papers will be asked to sign ACM copyright forms. Forms and
information about ACM's copyright policy can be found at the following